Yena in Battersea Park, 6.5x8.25 inches, acrylic on paper on foam board, 2024

Safety belt, 7.5x6 inches, ink and pencil on paper, 2024

Sugi (for Yena), 9x11 inches, ink and pencil on paper, 2024

Everything must go, 8x7 inches, ink and pencil on paper, 2024

Mr. Moon, 8x10 inches, pencil, ink, and paper on cardboard, 2024

Little systems, 7x8.5 inches, pencil and ink on paper, 2024

Enzo, 10.5x7.5 inches, pencil and gouache on paper, 2023

Regression, 12x7.5 inches, magazine clippings on paper, 2022

Turning 30, 11.5x11.5 inches, pencil + gouache on paper, 2022

Quarantine sunrise, 7.5x11 inches, pencil and gouache on paper, 2021